Fool’s Funnel

Fool’s Funnel常见,而且看起来最无辜,所以很危险。但它含致命毒——毒蕈碱。解药是阿托品(Atropine)

Cap, convex to flattening becoming depressed in the middle with a slightly inrolled edge. White and slightly dusty when young, very pale grey/brown on aging.

Gills, white/cream, decurrent (running down the stem), fairly broad, becoming pinkish buff. Crowded.

Stem, white/Off-white, can have a tan blush. No skirt.

Spore print, white, ellipsoid.

A group of mushrooms growing in grass

Description automatically generated with medium confidence A picture containing grass, fungus, outdoor, plant

Description automatically generated

A close up of a mushroom

Description automatically generated A picture containing grass, fungus, outdoor, green

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