芦苇道36号(www.thelu.org) ======================= Palma ------- qlu,2024 让我引用萧邦写给友人信来描述Palma de Mallorca吧。 Chopin’s letter to Jules Fontana Palma, 15 November 1838 My Dear, I am in Palma, among the palms, cedars, cactuses, olive trees, orange trees, lemon trees, aloes, fig trees, pomegranates, etc. Everything the Jardin des Plantes has in its hothouses. The sky is like turquoise, the sea like azure, the mountains like emerald, the air like in heaven. Sun in the daytime, everyone walking around in summer clothing, and it is hot; at night, guitars and singing for hours on end. Huge balconies with grape-vines overhead; Moorish walls. Everything, just like the city itself, looks towards Africa. In a word, a most marvellous life. Love me. 哥们,我在Palma,置身于棕榈、雪松、仙人球、橄榄树、橘子树、柠檬树、芦荟、榕树、石榴等等花园暖房才有的一切之中。天空蓝中泛翠、海水碧透晶莹、山峦苍翠、宛若天堂。白天,太阳当空、天气炎热,人人身着夏装;晚上吉他、歌唱通宵达旦。巨大的阳台遮着葡萄藤、墙粗狂原始。一切面朝非洲,城市亦然。一句话,妙极了。乖乖。 - qlu 2024 ======================= 芦苇道36号(www.thelu.org)