
牛肝菌种类很多。大多都可以食用。牛肝菌的伞盖下不是Gills而是Sponge。避免Stem, Pores或者Cap红色的,或者切开后Flesh很快变成vivid blue的,值得仔细确认(Scarletina Bolete符合以上条件但可以食用)。此外,牛肝菌容易生蛆。


1.      Oak Bolete, Jul-Oct, 不大常见,主要在橡树周围,海绵盖底呈柠檬黄,肉白/浅黄。

2.      Peppery Bolete, Aug-Oct, 比较常见,胡椒味有点辣,菌盖与海绵盖底黄褐色,肉色黄,常在BirchPine附近。注意:附近常有毒蘑菇Fly Agarics(毒蝇伞)

3.      Chestnut Bolete, Aug-Oct, 不常见,主要见于英格兰南部。橡树或者板栗树周围。菌盖Pale orange to tawny to darer brown。盖底discolour to off-white/pale yellow and bruise pale grey. Flesh white, very occasionally with pink flush.闻起来有蘑菇味,不浓,必须煮熟。

4.      Ascot Hat, Jul-Oct, 常在杨树(Poplar)Lime树周围。伞盖Pale brown with slight red or yellow hues。盖底Yellow to pale yellow sometimes with olivaceous hints. Flesh white/yellow in the stem. White in cap staining pink under the cuticle and blue above the pores.

5.      Ruby Bolete,  Aug-Oct, 很罕见,肥皂味。猩红伞盖,黄色盖底。

6.      Bay Bolete, Aug-Oct, 跟美味牛肝菌(Penny Bun)味道一样。Cap, Velvet when young, Dark Brown, slightly slimy when wet, 盖底Yellow, bruise to a blue/green

7.      Aspen Bolete, Aug-NovOrangey red cap, off white to grey pores. Stem比较长。

8.      Orange Bolete, Jul-NovCap orange/brown light blue/green where damaged. Off white to cream pores.

9.      Brown Birch Bolete, Aug-NovBrown Cap, sticky when wet. White to off-white pores.

10.  Orange Birch Bolete, Jul-NovOrange to red orange/brown cap. Pale yellow pores. Stem is white to off-white with small brown to block scales which give it a dirty appearance. Grown under 桦树.

11.  Scarletina Bolete, Jul-Oct, Cap starts bay to brown and velvety. Pores starting yellow-orange and becoming red-brown, bruise easily and stain dark blue to black. Stem is yellow with a dense covering of red dots. Sliced down the middle, the flesh turns instantly dark blue-black.

12.  Lurid Bolete, Jul-Oct, Pores starting yellow-orange and becoming deeper red. The stem is yellow to orange with a dark red mesh. 跟一种罕见的有毒Oldrose Bolete有点象。Lurid切开后在PoresCap flesh之间有条红线。Oldrose Bolete没那条线。

13.  Bovine Bolete, Aug-Nov, Cap pale orange-yellow with grey to pink hues. Pores orange-tan to pale-olive. 这个蘑菇附近常有一种红色的寄生蘑菇Rosy Spike

14.  Larch Bolete, Jul-Nov, Cap bright yellow, darkening to burnt orange on older specimens. Pores like angular, bright yellow darkening with maturity, and bruise a rust colour. Skirt. Flesh, yellow-orange and holding a lot of water.

15.  Slippery Jack, Aug-Sep, Cap dark brown to purple/brown. Skirt.  常见于Pine树下。

16.  Red Cracked Bolete, Jul-Oct, Brown cap cracking to show pale yellow/buff. Yellow pores. Stem, buff to yellow with red fibres.

17.  Sepia Bolete, Aug-Nov, Cap starts olive brown and covered in tiny velvet like hairs becoming paler and cracking, revealing cream to pale yellow flesh. Pores, start lemon yellow but darken with age, bruise blue. 常见于oak

18.  Suede Bolete, Jun-Sep, Cap, from dark brown to tan to olivaceous to yellow and even red. The surface is finely hairy or smooth as it ages. Pores, pale to bright yellow. Can turn blue where bruised.

19.  Bronze Bolete, 跟美味牛肝菌一个味。

20.  Penny Bun, Aug-Oct, One of the stars of the mushroom world. 常见于夏末初秋,下雨8天后。

21.  Pine Bolete, Aug-Oct长在Pine属下,常见于苏格兰。

22.  Summer Bolete, Jun-Aug, 主要在BeechOak附近。

有毒的只有Devil’s Bolete(Boletus/Rubroboletus satanas), Jun-Oct

不常见,主要在英格兰南部。个头比较大(欧洲最大的牛肝菌,菌盖通常到30cm),矮墩,躯体色亮,菌盖暗灰绒(Dull-colored velvety)Yellow to orange-red pores and bulbous red-patterned stem. Flesh turns blue when cut or bruised. Overripe fruit bodies often emit an unpleasant smell reminiscent of carrion(腐肉).

英国没人因此致死。中毒主要是消化道症状,恶心,呕吐,腹痛,Bloody Diarrhoea

A picture containing fungus, outdoor

Description automatically generated A group of mushrooms

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A close-up of a person's skin

Description automatically generated with low confidence A group of mushrooms

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1.      Bitter Beech Bolete,

2.      Rooting Bolete,

3.      Bitter Bolete