DeathCap (Amanita phalloides)

Destroying Angel二者属于英国最毒的蘑菇。不常见,但有些年份会很多。


幼毒鹅膏和可以食用草菇很像。可以通过Spore Print区分,草菇Spore Print为粉红色。

Cap Olive/green sometimes with a flush of tan or yellow. Slimy when wet but still looking shiny when dry. (菌盖沾水黏性变强,表皮易脱落)。

Gills, white/cream, free of the stem. Crowded.

Stem, white with a bulbous base and surrounded by a thin veil (volva) which is sack-like at ground height, tapering slightly towards the cap. The top of the volva will often be found attached to the stem more than halfway up, looking like a skirt.

Skirt, has obvious striations under the skirt sometimes visible on top.

Volva, a very obvious deep volva.

Flesh, white.

Spore print, white.

The symptoms start several hours after ingestion with severe vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pains and can last for a few days; this is followed by what seems to be a full recovery for a few days but ending in death from kidney and liver failure. The main poison, alpha-amanitin, kills liver cells and passes through the kidneys to be recirculated and cause more damage.

A mushroom growing in the woods

Description automatically generated with low confidence A close up of a white mushroom

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A mushroom growing in the woods

Description automatically generated with low confidence A close-up of a mushroom

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