Destroying Angel(Amanita virosa)

英国最毒的蘑菇。Frequency is fairly rare.

CapConvex then conical to almost flat but usually retaining an umbo. The cap is pure white and can be viscid.

Gills, white, free of the stem. Crowded.

Stem, White with a fibrous skin. As with other Amanitas the stem starts from a bulbous volva but the skirt is fragile and often missing or slight.

Skirt, A slight skirt with no striations which can be easily damaged or missing.

Volva, A large bulbous volva that can be deep under the surface..

Flesh, pure white.

Spore print, white, Globose.

A picture containing fungus, dirty

Description automatically generated A picture containing fungus, outdoor

Description automatically generated

A picture containing fungus, close

Description automatically generated A mushroom growing in the grass

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A group of mushrooms growing in the ground

Description automatically generated with low confidence