在St. George’s Day(4月23日)前后几周出现。而且一般每年出现在同一个地方。
Cap spherical to convex then flattening and becoming uneven. White/Cream to buff/yellow.
Gills white/pale cream. Crowded. The gills are very shallow. Stem is whte/cream usually stout and thicker towards the base, no skirt.
Flash is white and soft. Spore print is white, ellipsoid.
Grasslands, beside woodland, lawns and roadsides growing in rings.
Possible confusion is Deadly Fibrecap. Deadly Fibrecap stains bright red and its cap is covered in fine fibres.
Fibrecap smell strong and pungent but hard to describe. It is sometimes compared to honey, fruit or perfumed soap.The flesh is said to taste sweet but we don’t recommend tasting this mushroom due to its toxicity.
Fibrecap spore print is Dull brown.