ALCOHOL BODY SWEETNESS TANNIN ACIDITY Pronunciation   Origin Type Price Notes Food Matches      
SPARKLING PROSECCO 2 1 2 1 4 pro-seh-co 普罗塞克 Italy SP -£11 Italy's most popular, best from Valdobiadddene antipasto, cured meat, almonds, spicy Asian food
  CAVA 2 1 2 1 5 kah-vah 卡瓦 Spain SP -£13 premier sparkler of Spain, similar to Champagne tapas, paello, also with Mexican fare, chilli con carne
  CREMANT 2 1 3 1 5 Krem-mont France SP -£18 pairing with fried foods, soft cheeses, and salty appetizer
  CHAMPAGNE 2 1 3 1 5 sham-pain 香槟 France (Montagne de Reimes, Cote des Blancs, Vallee de la Marne) SP -£39 made with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, age for 3 or more years anything that is salty or fried, pair with main course as well
  FRANCIACORTA 2 1 3 1 5 fran-cha-kotah 馥奇达 Lambardy Italy SP -£30 the same grape as Champagne with addition of Pinot Blanc soft ripened cheese (eg. Brie), dried fruits and roated salted nuts
WHITE MELON 2 1 1 1 5 mel-oh Muscadet France LW -£10 seafood, clams or mussels w/ garlic, parsley, butter and a splash of Melon
  PIQUEPOUL 3 1 1 1 5 pik-pool 皮克普勒 France LW -£7 old french grape, "stings the lilp" seafood, shellfish, sushi as well as fried appetizers. Fried calamari.
  VINHO VERDE 2 1 2 1 5 vino-verr-day 绿酒 Portugal LW/RS/LR -£7 fish tacos, mango salsa, ceviche, anything needs coriander, limes
  PINOT BLANC 4 1 3 1 3 pee-no blank 白皮诺 SP/LW -£11 mutation of Pinot Noir foods with more subtle flavours. Soft cheese, salads with creamy dressing and flaky fish
  ASSYRTIKO 4 1 1 1 5 ah-seer-teeko 阿塞蒂克 Greece LW -£15 most famouse in Greece, best example in Santorini shellfish/tomato-fea salad/extremely versatile
  COLOMBARD 3 1 1 1 5 Kall-lum-bar 鸽笼白 South Africa/States LW -£7 often blended with Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. lighter dishes like salads or suishi
  ALBARINO 3 1 2 1 5 alba-reen-yo 阿尔巴利诺 Spain LW -£9 close to sea,  salty flavour fin fish/light meats/eaft herbs/fish tacos
  FRIULANO 3 1 1 1 5 free-yu-lawn-oh 弗留利 Italy LW -£13 Sauvignonasse, lean dry, often mistakened with Sauvignon Blanc salads, roasted green vegetables, challenging pairing with green beans, artichokes, cabbage, Brussels sprouts
  VERDICCHIO 3 1 1 1 4 vair-dee-kee-yo 维蒂奇诺 Italy LW -£13 marcana lamonds, prosciutto, quiche, savoury tart, and souffles
  CORTESE 3 1 1 1 4 Kart-tay-zay 柯蒂斯 Italy LW -£11 known as Gavi, zesty and lean foods inspried by Northern Italy's coastal cuisine, fragrant pesto pastas, seafood dishes with basil and lemon
  MUSCAT BLANC 2 1 5 1 4 muss-kat blank 小白玫瑰 Greece AW/DS -£13 ancient aromatic white variety drier styles pairs with salads, sushi, fresh fruit. Sparkling with almond cake. Fortified with cheese and nuts.
  FURMINT 3 2 5 1 5 furh-meent 富尔民特 Hungary LW/DS -£15 famously used in Takaji Aszu dessert green spicy flavours, superb match with herb-crusted poultry or fish. Also Sushi and Chinese food.
  RIESLING 2 1 5 1 5 reese-ling 雷司令 Germany SP/LW/AW/DS -£19 pairing to spicy indian and Asian cuisines, do excellently alongside duck, pork, bacon, prawn and crab
  VERDEJO 3 1 1 1 4 ver-day-ho 弗乔德 Spain LW -£11 exclusively in Rueda region of Spain fish tacos, lime chicken, carnitas, seiton steak
  FIANO 3 2 1 1 3 fee-ahn-no 菲亚诺 Italy LW -£13 age worthy, rich almost waxy texture. From Campania savoury glazed light meats like roasted chicken, and soy-glazed salmon
  GRECHETTO 3 2 4 1 4 greh-ketto 格莱切多 Italy LW -£17 Orviet win from Umbria and Lazio. Tasted like dry roses pairing excellent with tuna, other steak-like sea fare
  SILVANER 3 2 3 1 4 sihl-fahn-er 西万尼 Germany LW -£13 explosive peach aroma great for alfresco dining, alongside with fruit driven salad, lighter meat, tofu, and fish, w/ fresh aromatic herbs
  PINOT GRIS 3 2 4 1 4 pee-no gree 灰皮诺 Italy LW/RS -£11 pink grape mutation of Pinot Noir white meats, seafood, food w/ a fruit element, eg. Lemons, oranges, peaches, apricots
  TORRONTES 3 2 3 1 3 tarr-ron-Tez 特浓情 Argentina AW -£9 3 variaeties cross Muscot of Alexandria. Best is Torrontes Riojano savoury dishes feature exotic spices, fruit, and aromatic herbs
  FERNAO PIRES 3 2 3 1 2 fer-now peer-esh 费尔诺皮埃斯 Portugal SP/LW/AW -£7 high intensity floral aromas fresh green foods with herbal note such as cucumber dill salad, California sushi rolls, or Vietnamese fresh spring rolls.
  MOSCHOFILERO 3 2 3 1 4 mosh-ko-fee-lair-oh 玫瑰妃 Greece AW/RS -£10 Mantineia close to Tripoli in Peloponnese anything served at high tea, eg. Cucumber sandwich, lox with cream cheese, fruit tarte.
  CHENIN BLANC 3 2 4 1 5 Shen-in blank 白诗南 South Africa SP/LW/AW -£20 from lean dry whites, aromatic sparklers, to sweet golden nectars and rich, balanced brandy Pair with Thai or Vietnamese cuisine
  GARGANEGA 3 2 1 1 4 gar-gah-neh-gah 卡尔卡耐卡 Italy LW/DS -£9 lean, dry, main grape of Soave lighter meat, tofu, fish and season with citrius-tarragon dressing and other aromatic geen herbs
  GRUNER VELTLINER 3 2 2 1 5 grew-ner felt-lee-ner 绿维特利纳 Austria SP/LW/FW -£15 lean, herbaceous, peppery light meats, seafood, tarrogon chicken and sashimi
  SAUVIGNON BLANC 3 2 2 1 5 saw-vin-yawn blank 长相思 France SP/LW/DS -£11 strong herbaceous falvour from methoxypyrazine herb-driven sauce, salty cheese, light meat and Asian food
  VERMENTINO 3 2 2 1 4 vur-men-tino 维蒙蒂诺 Sardinia/Tuscany LW/RS -£11 secret sauce in Provence rose grilled light meat, fish and dishes highlights green and hearbal flavours
  FALANGHINA 3 2 1 1 4 fah-lahng-gee-nah 法兰吉娜 Italy LW/FW -£11 Campania's signature white meant for scallops, prawns, clams. Also with pasta with parsley, season with garlic and lemons
  SEMILLON 3 3 2 1 3 sem-ee-yawn 赛美蓉 France LW/FW/DS -£10 Bordeaux rich fish entrée(black cod), white meat(chicken, pork). Fresh fennel and dill
  VIURA 3 3 2 1 3 vee-yur-ah 维奥娜 Spain SP/FW -£11 nutty with age younger paired with South-East Asian cuisine(coconut curry, vermicelli noodle). Aged with roasted meat and resinous herbs
  AIREN 3 2 3 1 1 air-ren 阿依伦 Spain FW -£7 main used for brandy. Bolder style and low acidity, often blended with Viura, Verdejo, Saugivnon Blanc.  
  TREBBIANO TOSCANO 3 3 3 1 4 崔比亚诺 France/Italy LW/FW/DS -£7 most used in brandy, balsamic vinegar hard italian cheese, seafood pasta, white pizza, roast chicken, and pesto
  SAVATIANO 3 3 1 1 2 sav-vah-tee-shno 洒瓦滴诺 Greece FW -£10 reminiscent of Chardonnay heavily marinated meats from Mexican, Caribbean, and Polynesion cuisine
  GRENACHE BLANC 4 3 1 1 1 gren-nash blank 白歌海娜 France LW/FW -£16 aged in oak, toasty, creamy, dill-like flavours great choice with steak-like fish including tuna steaks, swordfish, grilled snapper, and mahi mahi
  GEWURZTRAMINER 4 3 4 1 1 ga-vurtz-tra-me-ner 琼瑶浆 Europe AW -£11 intense aroma. Sweet floral aromatics and ginger-like spice Indian and moroccan cuisine
  MARSANNE 4 3 3 0 2 mar-sahn 玛珊 France LW/FW -£18 alternative to Chardonnay rich and fruity pairs with rich shell fish (prawns), Asian Cuisine (Thai and Vietnamese)
  ROUSSANNE 4 3 1 1 3 rooh-sahn 瑚珊 France LW/FW -£22 buttery meat like lobster, crab, foie gras, and pate
  VIOGNIER 4 3 3 1 2 vee-own-yay 维欧尼 Rhone/California/Australia FW -£22 often aged in oak fished flavoured with almond, citrus, stewed fruit, and aromatic herbs eg. Thai basil or tarragon
  CHARDONNAY 4 3 2 1 3 shar-dun-nay 霞多丽 France/USA/Australia SP/LW/FW -£30 one of most popular grapes Pairs best with subtle spices and flavours. Experiments with creamy, buttery flavours, and soft textures. Lobster is a winning match.
  ARINTO 3 2 1 1 5 ah-reen-to 阿瑞图 Portugal FW -£7 Indigeous grap to Portugal, age-worthy (7+ years) richer seafood due to its high acidity and lemon zest like flavor
RED BRACHETTO 1 2 4 1 3 brak-kett-toe 布拉凯多 Italy RS/LR -£9 rare sweet wine famouse for perfumed aromatics, frothy and creamy bubbles rich, creamy chocolate truffles, ganache, mousse; try gelato
  FRAPPATO 3 2 2 2 3 fra-pat-toe 弗莱帕托 Sicily LR -£12 aroma of sweetness, roasted red pepper, sum-dried tomato, try with roasted turkey and cranberry sauce
  GAMAY 2 2 2 1 4 gam-may 佳美 France RS/LR -£11 earthy light red. Beaujolais france pairing all manner of dishes from sweet-and-sour salmon to beef stroganoff or even sesame tempeh.
  LAMBRUSCO 2 2 4 2 4 lam-broos-co 蓝布鲁斯科 Italy SP/RS/LR -£7 a family of 8 grapes. from pizza to burgers. Proscuitto di Parma and Parmagiano-Reggiano
  SCHIAVA 2 2 2 2 4 skee-ah-vah 司棋亚娃 Germany RS/LR -£11 finest is Schiava Gentile prawns, chicken, tofu, paricularly with south-east Asian cuisine, eg. Basil, ginger, galangal, other herbs
  ZWEIGELT 3 2 3 3 4 zz-vye-galt 茨威格 Austria RS/LR -£11 cross between Blaufrankisch and St Laurent. picnic red, driest barbecue-grilled chicken, macaroni salad
  CINSAULT 3 2 1 2 3 Sin-so 神索 Rhone RS/LR/MR -£11 punchy red floral and fruity. Minor blending grapes lighter but well-spiced vegatarian indian fare. 
  PINOT NOIR 3 2 1 2 4 pee-no nwar 黑皮诺 France/Germany/US SP/FW/RS/LR -£22 light bodied red meant for duck, chicken, pork and mushrooms
  NERELLO MASCALESE 3 2 1 3 4 nair-rello mask-uh-lay-say 马斯卡斯奈莱 Sicily LR/MR -£13 slope of Mount Etna roasted tomato, pepper flavour, lighter meat eg. Poultry and pork, oregano, thyme, coriander and sage.
  CASTELAO 4 3 1 4 4 Kast-tall-ow 卡斯特劳 Portugal MR -£7 Wdiely planted in Portugal, while rare elsewhere Octopus a lagareiro (roasted with potatoes), shredded chicken tacos
  CARMENERE 3 3 1 3 3 kar-men-nair 佳美娜 Chile RS/MR -£11 Once thought extinct Bordeaux variety. Now nearly 50% of Merlot in Chile is actually Cermenere. roast meats(from chicken to beef) and pretty much everything spiced with cumin
  VALPOLICELLA 3 3 3 2 5 val-polla-chellah MR/FR/DS -£22 uses partially dried grapes burger, roast chicken, braised mean, steak, mushroom, aged cheese
  BOBAL 3 3 1 3 4 bo-bal 博巴尔 Spain MR -£7 2nd most planted grape in Spain. Fruity, soft tannings and velvety finish orange chicken, roast chicken with pomegranate-molasses sauce
  CARIGNAN 4 3 2 3 4 kare-rin-yen 佳丽酿 France RS/MR -£11 cinnamon-spiced dishes, berry-based sauces and smoky meats. Amazing choice for Christmas and winter fare
  BLAUFRANKISCH 4 3 1 4 4 blauw-fronk-keesh 蓝弗朗克 Hungary RS/MR -£11 ideal food friendly red. Related to Germany and Zweigeit. smoked sausage, red potato goulash, cheesy spaetzle dumplings
  CARBERNET FRANC 3 3 1 3 4 kab-err-nay fronk 品丽珠 France Chinon/Italy Tuscany/CA Sierra Foothills RS/MR -£15 parent of Merlot and Carbernet Sauvignon high acidity, tomato-based dishes, vinegar-based sauces (smokey BBQ), rich black beluga lentils
  CONCORD 4 4 4 3 3 Kon-kard 康科德 States MR -£9 American grape peanut butter sandwich
  AGIORGITIKO 3 4 1 4 3 ah-your-yee-tee-ko 阿吉提克 Greece RS/LR/FR -£11 full body red wine from Nemea in Peloponnese roasted meats/tomato sources/spice cuisine from middle east to India
  BAGA 3 4 3 5 5 bah-gah 巴加 Portugal RS/MR/FR -£11 rich red, robust, gravelly or tar-like flavour fatty, spiced, and roasted meats
  BARBERA 4 4 1 1 5 bar-bear-rah 巴贝拉 Italy RS/MR -£11 everyday drinking red wine of Piedmont, Italy, affordable, lip-smacking high acidity roasted and vegetable-driven dishes
  BONARDA 3 4 1 4 3 bo-nard-duh 伯纳达 Argentina/Italy MR -£7 Bonarda(aka Douce Noir) grows alongside Malbec in Argentina. Smooth and fruit wine. mole sauces, curried potato, empanades and tacos al postar
  DOLCETTO 3 4 2 4 2 dol-chet-to 多切托 Italy MR -£12 meaning "little sweet one" in Italian. Tart with loads of black fruit flavours, occasionally with aggressive tannins best with richer, darker meats and vgetable dishes with roasted tomoatoes, aubergines and garlic
  GRENACHE 5 4 1 3 3 gren-nash 歌海娜 France MR -£17 most important grape in Chateaueuf-du-Pape and Rhone/GSM blend roated meat, exotic spices like cumin, all spices and Asia-five spices
  MENCIA 4 4 1 4 4 men-thee-uh 门西亚 Spain/Portugal MR -£11 heady aromatics and potential age richer white meat, turkey, pork, cured peppery meats (parstrami)
  MERLOT 4 4 1 4 3 murr-low 梅洛 France RS/MR/FR -£11 often found in Bordeaux blend with Cabernet Franc great alongside with roasted food, pork shoulder, roasted mushroom, braised short ribs. Complementing chimichuri sauce
  MONTEPULCIANO 3 4 1 4 4 mon-ta-pull-chee-anno 蒙特布查诺 Italy MR/FR -£11 high quality, found mostly in Abruzzo sausages of all kinds. Smoked andouille and sweet fennel salsiccia
  NEBBIOLO 4 4 1 5 5 nebby-oh-low 内比奥罗 Italy RS/MR/FR -£22 top red Barolo region of Piedmont creamy, cheesy dishes with high fat content. Truffle risotte or butternut ravioli are revelation.
  NEGROAMARO 4 4 1 4 3 neg-row-amaro 黑曼罗 Italy RS/MR -£10 abundance in Puglia barbecue chicken pizza, pulled port sandwiches, and teriyaki
  RHONE/GSM BLEND 4 4 1 4 4 roan GSM混酿 Southern France/Northern Spain RS/MR/FR -£11 Grenache, Syrah and Mourvedre dished featured mediterranean spices eg. red pepper, sage, rosemary, and olives
  SANGIOVESE 4 4 1 4 5 san-jo-vay-zay 桑娇维塞 Italy RS/MR -£13 sensitive, tasting quite different depending on where well-spiced foods, one of few not get lost paired with tomato sauce
  TEMPRANILLO 4 4 1 4 4 temp-nah-nee-oh 丹魄 Spain RS/MR/FR -£10 Rioja, fine one ages 20+ steak, gourmet burger, rack of lamb. Baked pasta and other tomato-based dishes
  XINOMAVRO 4 4 1 5 5 ksino-mav-rah 黑喜诺 Greece MR/FR -£11 Nauussa, compared to Italian Nebbiolo and coveted wine of Barolo cheesy pasta, mushroom risotto, rich roasted meat
  AGLIANICO 4 5 1 5 4 alli-yawn-nee-ko 艾格尼科 Italy RS/FR -£19 supreme in south Italy, incredible quality. gamey dishes/Texas-style barbecue
  ALICANTE BOUSCHET 4 5 1 4 3 ally-can-toy boo-shey 紫百塞 Spain FR -£7 smoky sweet barbecue/teriyaki/carne asada/grilled vegatables
  BORDEAUX BLEND 4 5 1 5 3 bore-doe 波尔多 France Bordeaux/Australia Western/Italy Tuscany RS/MR/FR -£18 blend of Carbernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and other originated Bordeaux France steak and other meat dishes. Keep seasoning simple - think salt and pepper
  CARBERNET SAUVIGNON 4 5 1 5 3 kab-err-nay saw-vin-yawn 赤霞珠 Chile/CA Napa Valley/Australia South RS/FW -£15 most popular, cross of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc, concentrated and age-worthy rich flavour, high tannin, perfect for rich grilled metas, peppery sauces, and dishes with high flavour
  MALBEC 4 5 2 3 3 mal-bek 马尔贝克 Argentina RS/FR -£11 fruit flavour and chocolaty finish leaner red meat (ostrich), wonder with melted blue cheese
  MONASTRELL 4 5 1 5 3 moan-uh-strel 莫纳斯特雷尔 Spain RS/FR -£10 abundance in Central Spain. Known as Mourverdre in Sourthern France, on essential grape in the Rhone/GSM blend. perfect with smoked meats and barbecue
  NERO D'AVOLA 4 4 1 4 3 nair-oh davo-la 黑达沃拉 Sicily FR -£11 sicily's Cabernet Sauvignon rich meats, oxtail soup and beef stew
  PETIT VERDOT 4 5 1 5 3 peh-tee vur-doe 小维多 Bordeaux FR -£14 roasted meats w/ pungent note, eg. Cuban-style pork, burgers with blue cheese
  PETITE SIRAH 5 5 1 5 3 pah-tee sear-ah 小西拉 United States FR -£13 fat- and umami- driven dishes - steaks from the grill or a plat of beef stroganoff
  PINOTAGE 5 5 1 4 1 pee-no-taj 皮诺塔吉 South Africa FR -£11 cross between Cinsault and Pinot Noir roated meat, vegetables topped with flavourful sauces eg. Teriyaki, plum sauce, and barbecue
  SAGRANTINO 4 5 4 5 4 sah-grahn-tee-no 萨格兰蒂诺 Italy FR/DS -£24 highest level of polyphenols more fat and umami including cream-based sauces, sausages, wild mushrooms, and cheese
  SYRAH 4 5 1 4 4 sear-ah 西拉 France/Australia RS/FR -£18 Shiraz in Australia darker meat and exotic spice. Lamb shawarmo, gyros, Asian five spice fork, Indian tandoori
  TANNAT 4 5 1 5 4 tahn-naht 丹娜 France FR -£11 highest polyphenols. No 1 wine of Uruguay rich barbecue grilled meat, fatty dishes. Cassoulet
  TOURIGA NACIONAL 5 5 1 5 4 tor-ree-guh nah-see-un-nall 国产多瑞加 Portugal FR/DS -£18 thick cut steaks, topped with flavoured butter or blue cheese
  ZINFANDEL 5 4 2 4 2 zin-fan-dell 仙粉黛 Croatia/USA MR/FR -£11 No 1 red Croatia's red Plavic Mali Turkish, Moroccan, and Arabic cuisine, Asian Barbecue too.
DESSERT SHERRY 5 3 5 1 4 sheh-ree 雪莉 Spain DS -£18 from bone-dry to very sweet smoked, fried or grilled fish or vegetables. Barbecue, gooey cheese
  SAUTERNAIS 3 4 4 1 4 saw-turn-aye 苏玳 Bordeaux DS -£28 made of grape infected fungus wash-rind soft cheese. Classic is Roquefort
  ICE WINE 2 4 5 1 5 eiswein 冰酒 Canada/Germany/Austria/States DS -£30 grapes naturally freeze in vinefield. Popular variety including Reisling, Vidal Blanc and Cabernet Franc fruit tart, cheesecake, ice cream, soft and pungent cheese e.g. Brie and Camembert
  MADEIRA 5 5 5 1 5 ma-deer-uh 马德拉 Portuguese DS -£32 exclusively in island Modeira. Stable, can age over 100 years. artichokes, pea soup, asparagus. Popular choice for reduction sauces
  MARSALA 5 5 5 1 3 mar-sal-uh 玛萨拉 Sicily DS -£13 caramelized sauce or sipping wine used for most cooking, desserts like zabaglione or reduction sauce over icescream
  MOSCATEL DE SETUBAL 5 5 5 1 3 mos-ka-tell de she-too-bal 塞图巴尔麝香 Portugal DS -£10 Muscat of Alexandria grapes amazing with portuguese cheese with a gooey middle eg. Queijo de Ovelha. Dessert w/ caramel topping
  VIN SANTO 5 5 5 2 4 vin san-tow 圣酒 Italy DS -£30 Rare italian Italian pastries, almond biscotti. Soft and funky cheese eg Taleggio
  MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA 1 2 5 1 3 亚历山大麝香 Spain DS -£10 almond biscotti, charcuteries plates, soft or pungent cheeses eg. Roquefort
  PORT 5 5 5 5 4 port   Portugal DS -£26   stilton cheese